さあ・・・ノーリミッツウエイトトレーニングジム代表 三土手大介様の登場です!
◆ノーリミッツ ウェイトトレーニング ジム
Many people might have never believed that a smaller sized Asian would be capable of becoming a champion of heavyweight power lifting. And yet, this man has done it more than 10 times. In 2009, he bench-pressed 360kg (793 lbs) and broke the world record.
It is considered unrealistic to expect to be able to compete for more than ten years, and yet he has been doing it more than twenty, and is still in the top ranks. He just recently had his twentieth win at the Japan Championships alone. What keeps him constantly winning?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present to you, Mr. Daisuke Midote, representing No Weight Limit Training Gym!
“Your real limits are much higher than you imagine.”
When I was four years old, my heart was weak from Kawasaki disease. I also had asthma, so I needed a medical checkup every year until I turned twenty.
Since I was a little kid, I was good at controlling my muscles. I learned the back flip, the front flips, and cartwheels in no time. But since my heart was weak, I had no way to improve my physical endurance even though I did like sports.
My parents ran a rice store, so I helped to carry the bags of rice. My mother explained, “you have power, so you mustn’t be getting into fights.” Either way, in fourth grade, arm wrestling was popular, and the strongest guy at my school challenged me. I defeated him easily. It was at that moment I finally realized how different I am from others.
I started doing karate when I was ten, and when I went to junior high school, became interested in weight training. The first time I tried to bench press was when I was in the tenth grade. I was able to lift 65kg (143 lbs) ten times. One month later my weight limit had gone up to 100kg (220 lbs) per ten lifts.
At the time I wasn’t yet focused on power lifting – this was all just training for karate. When I was in twelfth grade, I saw last year’s records for the high school power lifting championships, and felt like I could beat them. So I applied to participate. But I didn’t know the rules, so I finished in third place.
I couldn’t stand not being in first place, so from that moment I started doing power lifting seriously. By the time I was twenty, I became champion of the senior division. So far, no one has broken this record.
It was from this time I decided to aim to become the world champion not of karate, but of power lifting. From the time I was eighteen, it took me ten years to attain this goal. During that era I didn’t have any coach to train me properly, so I hurt my body on my own and learned through trial and error. I have lost four vertebrae and the shape of my left elbow has been changed so much I have undergone surgery three times. The first time I hurt my spine, I couldn’t do any daily activities. It was just painful.
While I was struggling, I then learned about the Four Stance Theory. It showed me what kind of body type I have, and completely change my method of training. Because of this theory, I have currently been winning despite having been injured so many times.
I think that sports records are only broken infrequently because people do not push their limits. Everyone laughed at me when I said I was going to be the champ of the no limit heavyweight division. But I didn’t care what anyone said. The real limits are actually farther than you think, so if you keep doing it, keep challenging yourself, you will be able to make things happen which no one has ever imagined before.