Rakugo is best explained as “sit-down comedy,” as opposed to the “stand-up comedy” popularized in the west. A performer sits on a big cushion, and using only minimal props at hand, tells a long story with an elaborate cast, acting out all of the characters as well as the narrator. The story inevitably has a gag, usually a pun, at the end. Though it was popularized during the Edo Period, it still enjoys a large following today, and many performers, often foreign, offer shows in English across the country.
He was born to a fisherman in Tokyo, brought up in the strictest environment of love. It was this upbringing that has helped him through hard times, he claims. He follows his father’s words to the letter, even while working in the blustering industry of television, film… and rakugo. What is this “Japanese Heart” his father instilled in him so long ago?
Let us introduce you to Mr. Katsura Kokinji, so that he can tell you himself.
“Today’s happiness is thanks to Dad.”
My home was a fishery. When I was ten, my father said to me, “your age is in the double digits. You can’t depend on your parents forever. One day, you’ll have to live by your own hand. Work now, so that you can prepare yourself for it. Working means to move your body, and make things easier for others.” I tied a kerchief around my shaved head, and began to work at ten.
After the war, everything had been burned down, and there was no work. When I asked my father for advice, he could only say, “I suppose it would be best now to die.” I thought how stupid that was, seeing as we were both well and alive. Since my dad liked the theatre, he often bring me along. I loved to see my father laugh.
I had recieved three kimono from my father, so I figured I might as well put them to use, and called upon the Shinjuku Matsuhiro Tei theatre.
“A person who is told what to do is only a half a man. A person who sees what he should do with this own eyes, is a man.”
But this was after the war. I knew there was no food. Yet when I woke the next morning, I saw a chawan bowl and my chopsticks, and sekihan rice. When I asked about it, I found that father had gone out into the cold winter and went to all of the rice dealers, picking up the rice that had been dropped on the ground. Tears flowed from my eyes as I ate that meal.
For me, life had been like a kazoo. I had once seen a harmonica at my friend’s house, and begged and pestered my dad to buy me one. In response, my dad gave me a leaf, and told me to blow that instead. Of course I couldn’t make it sound.
“I can,” replied Dad, and he played the song “Furusato” for me. I was shocked. “Figure out how to do it on your own,” I was told. But after messing around with the leaf for three days and failing, I gave up. Dad teased me. “Giving up means you lost, doesn’t it? Loser.” And so I went back to trying. Eventually I did learn how to do it - to play the leaf just like a kazoo. There are no words to express how pleased I was as my success!
The next morning, the harmonica I had wanted was there on my desk. He had bought it four or five days earlier to present to me when I had taught myself how to play a leaf kazoo. Even today, when I play my harmonica, I cry at remembering my father’s kindness.
Anyone can put in a little effort. But it’s all over when you let yourself hunch over like an acord and give up. There is a saying that “sakura will bloom on the end of a stick with patience.” When I turned to Rakugo, when I became an actor, too, at all times, I never forget that. It is the Japanese heart. I wish I could teach the generation of the future about the grand Japanese heart instilled in me by my own father.
(Translation by Haruka Orth)